How to Pick a Business Insurance Partner

Choosing an insurance company to protect you and your business can feel overwhelming. There are a multitude of companies on the market, they all want your business, and it can be difficult to distinguish amongst them. When buying caregiver business insurance, it can be helpful to follow these guidelines to ensure you select the best insurance partner: Explore your insurance [...]

Understanding Workers’ Compensation for Home Care Businesses

You make every effort to provide a safe environment for your staff and patients, but accidents can still happen. To protect your business from the costs associated with employee injuries, you need Workers’ Compensation for home care businesses from Lockton Affinity. Workers’ compensation is legally required for doing business in most states. Without the proper workers’ compensation insurance, your business [...]

How Lockton Affinity Home Care Benefits Your Business

We know you have plenty of options when it comes to business insurance. That’s why we developed an exclusive, tailored insurance program that meets the needs of companion care businesses. As your business faces challenges like inflation, employee turnover, lack of qualified employees, high demand and more, it can be reassuring to have a partner, like Lockton Affinity Home Care, [...]

Preventing Caregiver Theft and Protecting your Business’s Reputation

Like you welcome caregivers to your business with the expectation of trustworthiness and honesty, your clients welcome caregivers into their home with an expectation of the same. Unfortunately, claims of theft occur frequently. Whether caregivers actually commit the theft or clients make allegations without certainty, claims of theft are some of the most common claims against home care businesses. Consider [...]

Bed Bugs, Burn Marks and 15 Other Unusual Home Care Claims

There are many claims that fall outside the norm. From allegations of stealing credit cards to spreading lice to damaging heirloom furniture, when it comes to home care business claims, anything can happen. If these claims seem far-fetched, consider these 15 unusual claims from real home care businesses. 15 Unusual Home Care Claims Vermin Caregiver experienced a bed bug infestation [...]

2024-06-25T14:24:13+00:00October 13, 2022|Caregiver safety tips, Home Care claims|0 Comments

Protecting Your Home Care Business against the Impact of Inflation

Gas prices, labor costs, supply chain disruptions, the impact of inflation. Not only is the average consumer experiencing these challenges, businesses are too. According to a recent survey by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one in three (33%) small business owners now rank inflation as their highest concern. And in response to those concerns, 67% of small business owners have [...]

Who is Responsible for Vehicle Damage?

Common Vehicle Claims and Understanding Auto Coverage for Home Care Businesses As a home care business owner whose employees drive on the business’s behalf, vehicle incidents can be complex. Depending on which vehicle was being driven, which vehicle was damaged and if anyone was injured, your business insurance, the caregiver’s personal auto insurance or the client’s personal auto insurance may [...]

Common Home Care Business Claim Examples

There are numerous common claim risks home care businesses face. From accusations of theft against caregivers to workers’ compensation injuries, claims against home care businesses can vary greatly in severity and damage. Read on to learn 4 common home care business claims and how you can protect your business against them. Common Home Care Business Claims – Auto Liability As [...]

Workplace Injuries and their Impact on Mental Health

Being a home care worker can be physically and emotionally demanding. Compared to other industries, occupational injury risk is high, and the hazards are unique. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that personal care and home health aides are 62% more likely to suffer overexertion injuries than the typical worker. That’s why workers’ compensation for your business [...]

Common Caregiver Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Home care providers can have high risk of insurance claims compared to other industries, especially related to employee injury. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Personal care and home health aides are 62% more likely to suffer overexertion injuries than the typical worker. Home health aides and home nursing assistants face 5x to 7x the risk of injury [...]

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