Preventing Employment Claims through Hiring and Firing Tips

Business cycles come and go. All the same, companies must make important decisions about hiring and firing without putting themselves at excess risk and preventing employment claims. As a home care business, your company's employment practices can be a source of risk. Every day, workers file lawsuits against their employers, with many employment claims targeting smaller businesses in the industry. [...]

5 Times Professional Liability Insurance Can Save You

Professional Liability insurance is coverage meant to protect your business from a client's claims of negligence and failure to perform professional duties as required. This is must-have coverage in an industry where mistakes can be costly for clients and home care businesses. There are many situations your business and employees may find yourselves in where a professional liability claim could [...]

Reducing the Risk of Client Medication Management Errors

Any medication can be dangerous under the wrong circumstances. Ensuring the best management of a home care client's medication needs is important, for client health and safety as well as the best interests of home care businesses. Medication and dosage errors are a common allegation when it comes to claims and lawsuits filed against home care businesses. Without the right [...]

2024-07-15T19:35:27+00:00October 29, 2021|Caregiver safety tips|0 Comments

Home Care Home Safety Checklist

To a client, the home is a place of welcoming comfort and safety. But for home care employees, entering a client's home will always entail some level of risk. From trip hazards to missing safety devices or employee inattention, there are many opportunities for a claim to arise. To minimize the risk to employees and clients, it's important for care [...]

2024-07-15T19:58:28+00:00October 1, 2021|Caregiver safety tips|0 Comments

The Anatomy of Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance protects your home care business from common claims and lawsuits brought by your employees. The number of lawsuits in the industry is rising and the cost to defend yourself against a claim can be substantial. Now more than ever it's important to make sure your business is protected. Even though employment practices liability insurance coverage (often [...]

The Journey of Your Insurance Policy

Understanding the inner workings of how an insurance policy is written and managed can be helpful whether you're shopping for new insurance or already have coverage in place. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process your Lockton Home Care policy goes through to give you an idea of what to expect. From the moment you fill out a [...]

5 Most Common Insurance Misconceptions

Lack of good information has led to plenty of misconceptions about insurance in the home care industry. We wanted to take the opportunity to set the record straight about the 5 most common insurance misconceptions out there. 1. All insurance is basically the same. It's a common misconception that all insurance is basically the same. The thought is that "most [...]

Home Care Insurance 101: The Strangest Types of Insurance

Insurance exists to protect you and the things you've worked hard for from future unknowns. Many people want the peace of mind knowing that they won't have to face a sudden loss on their own. While many people are familiar with popular consumer insurance products such as car insurance or life insurance, almost anything that can be named can be [...]

Your Coverage Needs: Home Care Insurance Package Overview

Your home care business faces many risks that usually require different policies to protect against claims. With Lockton Home Care, you can rest easy knowing your coverage needs are met with one comprehensive, affordable solution. Below is an overview of the Lockton Home Care Insurance Package, designed specifically for your home care business needs and the risks you face. Insurance [...]

Insurance 101 for Home Care Businesses

Home care insurance can be confusing. Coverage exists to protect your business against a broad range of risk exposures, often using terminology you may not be familiar with. We created this insurance 101 for home care businesses article as a refresher, to help you easily understand your home care insurance coverages, key terminology and important policy document and claim information. [...]

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