Preventing Caregiver Theft and Protecting your Business’s Reputation

Like you welcome caregivers to your business with the expectation of trustworthiness and honesty, your clients welcome caregivers into their home with an expectation of the same. Unfortunately, claims of theft occur frequently. Whether caregivers actually commit the theft or clients make allegations without certainty, claims of theft are some of the most common claims against home care businesses. Consider [...]

Reducing the Risk of Client Medication Management Errors

Any medication can be dangerous under the wrong circumstances. Ensuring the best management of a home care client's medication needs is important, for client health and safety as well as the best interests of home care businesses. Medication and dosage errors are a common allegation when it comes to claims and lawsuits filed against home care businesses. Without the right [...]

2024-07-15T19:35:27+00:00October 29, 2021|Caregiver safety tips|0 Comments

10 Common Risks Caregivers Face and How to Protect Against Them

There are numerous common risks caregivers face in the home care environment. Providing consistent, quality care to clients can be a challenge, and you also need to keep your home care employees safe and injury-free and protect the future of your business. There are several steps your organization can take to minimize the risks you face. Hiring, training, organizational policies [...]

Mitigating Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Risks

Bloodborne pathogen safety standards have long been in place to reduce the likelihood of exposure involving blood and bodily fluids, but many healthcare organizations continue to experience employee injuries. Knowledge of bloodborne pathogen exposure risks, exposure sources and safety standards are essential to help protect employees and reduce the likelihood of a claim. Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Risks Caregivers face the [...]

2024-06-10T19:13:35+00:00June 8, 2020|Caregiver safety tips|0 Comments
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